Thursday, February 8, 2018

February 2018 update

Haiti Mission Team 2018 Update! 

Central you did it again...your toys, games, puzzles, sewing supplies (even machines) have exceeded our expectations and have 'maxed-out' our carrying capacity!! Your caring hearts also surpassed our financial goal of $4,500. This will enable us to add a project and any remaining funds will be passed along to Ann Porter's team going in late March for their projects. Ann and Sara, Lisa Myers and Jack and Kevin and Lisa Hahn have 'cultural immersion' goals and projects selected by Laura Elliott, Soaring Unlimited's new executive director. Both groups will experience a variety of church services and participate in Leadership Classes with young men and women aged 18 - 35 who speak English and include a wide spectrum of occupations; tax collector, musician, public defender, hospitality services and teachers. Even the head of the 80-person Helping Haitian Angels orphanage where we will teach sewing to young ladies ages 18-23 will be there. 

Thank you Central, you have richly blessed our teams.

Staton Lorenz