Tuesday, November 23, 2010

2010 Soaring Update & Photo tour of Cap-Haitien

Good news...Dorothy is back in Lansing, tired but safe and bearing news of strife, death, disease, riots, election turmoil and the ravages of Cholera. So, where to begin?

There are approximately 12,000 UN troops in Haiti charged with keeping order in a nation of several million and Cap-Haitien has over 300,000 depending on who does the counting and how many refugees have migrated there from Port au Prince. The Cholera outbreak, not yet defined as an epidemic, is blamed on certain UN troops from Nepal and according to D.F. their compound is based along the Artibonite river about 40 miles south of Cap. The septic/sewage holding tanks for this camp overflowed into the river and shortly thereafter it was determined that folks living downstream from this camp were becoming ill with Cholera and blamed the Nepalese soldiers for bringing Cholera to Haiti.

The UN denied the possibility for several weeks but now is beginning to study the possibility after riots have broken out targeting the UN troops...regardless of where they are from. When we were there in February we knew that Canada, Brazil, Portugal, Bolivia had troops in place in Cap. The outrage has led to street fighting, death by gun shots from the troops as they put down rioters who have burned police stations, money transfer stations and UN vehicles. To fight the troops Haitiens have dug 3' wide and 4' deep trenches across city streets...camofladged the ditches and waited for UN tanks and troop trucks to plunge their front axles into them and become trapped and subject to barrages of rocks and other missiles.

Sadly, people have died as a result of the protests that mean to drive the UN out of the country. A French epidemiologist has been summoned to determine the source of the Cholera outbreak and Dr. Paul Farmer has taken an active role in trying to bring medicines and reason to the solution of the deadly disease. Haiti has not had a case of Cholera for over 100 years. Cholera migrates in water that has been poluted by fecal matter, few Haitiens make a practice of washing their hands after toilet activities (sound familiar?) and rivers are often the source of drinking, bathing, and sewage disposal waters.

D.F. reports that entrepreneurs are selling paper face masks to folks on the street in the belief that the mask will prevent Cholera. Wrong! Cholera is not an airborn disease. Take the time to research how it moves from person-to-person and how lethal it is.

D.F. also reported to us yesterday that people who have died from the disease are left in the street, they aren't allowed to be buried in the cemetaries, people are terrified of touching a victim and the government is not taking an active role of any kind.

UN trucks are being burned...the trucks are full of food for the poor...food that was frequently dispensed at the clinic whenever it could be obtained. BUT there is more...there are 19 persons running for the office of president and the election is Nov. 28th. Mr. Preval is term-limited and can't run and some have speculated that there are forces afoot that might rather see the elections postponed, yet again, they were to have been held 18 months ago.

Cholera needs to be treated with antibiotics and special salts to help rehydtrate victims...it can be treated successfully but antibiotics are scarce and so are the salts. No cases of Cholera have been reported at the clinic, yet but the main generator needs repair so water can be pumped. The solar is working nicely, praise the Lord and all staff and loved ones associated with D.F.'s work are safe.

However, the clinic is running on prayer, not fumes, not money...it's been so successful in meeting the needs of the area that the demand has exceeded the most optimistic expectations and the funding. Soaring needs help and fast so that the clinic doesn't deplete the funds dedicated to tuition, uniforms, books, and shoes for the cadre of orphans that D.F. helps each semester.

Dorothy was able to get the first flight out of Cap on MFI...the government came through with heavy equipment, with UN protection, to clear the roads...they removed the burning tires, filled the ditches, removed the welded car frames that were strung across the narrow streets and hired people to sweep up the broken glass that was everywhere. Will the truce last? Only time will tell.

Like to help? Please specify that your gift go to the "clinic at Soaring Unlimited". FYI the water well at the clinic is safe and so is the well across the road.

I'm going to try and post a large file of photos that were taken by Susan Rakoczy who lived at Dorothy's last spring while waiting for her home to be readied in Cap for herself, husband and children. She has captured the essence of the beauty of the children and their parents that can only be described as precious. These photos were taken earlier this year before all the disease and trouble. She is on her way back right now to supervise the well drilling team from Minnesota. Please pray for her family and all those who have impacted our lives over the years and for the country of Haiti.

View the photos that Susan took by checking the "Links" heading and clicking on "Children & Susan..." the reason for staying connected.
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