Thursday, January 18, 2018

January 2018 Update

Project funds have reached over 2/3 of our $4,500 goal and soccer balls, puzzles and Hot Wheels Cars are coming in fast.  Thanks for your generosity Central!  Our team of 8 will be immediately followed by a medical team of 10 from MSU including Kathy Gray, Jim and Diana Huckle from Central. Dr. William Cunningham will have doctors, interns, nurses and a pharmacist from TC, Julie Botsford.  Our team will prepare the clinic for them to treat up to 150 patients each of four days. Additionally we plan to visit and establish a relationship with 'Helping Haitian Angels' orphanage 1 mile from our clinic where 80 boys and girls reside.   These and other relationships are possible because the clinic in Pistere is the core and the catalyst for health, education and welfare of the village.  Need more info or like to help? Contact Staton Lorenz, 231-492-2121.  Be a blessing to someone today.

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