Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Apparently luggage was lost...

The wife of one of the Minnesota team members, who Linda is working with, has been contacted by her husband and it sounds like most, if not all, the luggage didn't get put on their plane...cargo must have taken precedent. Four women went into CAP with Linda so they have been sharing and they all stayed at Dorothy's home on Sunday, perhaps longer.

Gasoline is $10/gallon when available, the rain has continued for over 24 days, there is flooding here and there and a noticeable increase in the population of the city.

The MN men have been busy working on getting another truck operational since their objective, well drilling, has been stymied by an argument over who really now owns the well drilling unit that they donated in the first place. They also have no drilling pipe.

Tomorrow I'll check with MFI to see if they suggest we send our inverters, control panel and solar panel framework to them (things we were planning to carry with us in checked baggage). Florida Coastal Airways may have lost the luggage of just one flight (Linda's) or might be under orders to take medical supplies etc. first...then luggage.

Dorothy says..."that's life in Haiti" under normal circumstances so you have to expect something else in the worst of times.

FYI The Funk website has been updated www.funk4.com (Our Bolivian missionaries' assignment has changed).

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