Sunday, January 24, 2010

Waiting for news is hard...

This weekend has been filled with silence from Linda and the MN team but planning and support from many areas continues locally. The fact that banks are closed has impacted areas of Haiti that were not devasted by the earthquake...transplants from PAP are filtering throughout the nation and as far north as Cap-Hatien.

Considering that on a normal day electricity is sporadic at best, gasoline or diesel costs more than $5 and per capita income is anywhere from $3-800...a cash crunch seems's not.

Dorothy reminded me today that the tuition, books and other student expenses are due at this time for around 80 students...$150 each.
Email at her house is still not operational and numerous attempts on my part to get through to Linda by phone have been met with busy signals or endless ringing...a sign that the system is overloaded.

At this writing the Minnesota Vikings are struggling in the latter stages of the 2nd half...the MN team members are likely wondering if the NFC championship will be theirs.

Our team is eager to go, we make room daily for additional items that are donated and the solar project gets tweaked here and there as possible shortages are contemplated...such as 12 volt batteries.

Prayers are being offered and answered everyday, yours are deeply appreciated.

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