Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lots of news today...

When calling into Haiti...don't give up. After dozens of attempts to reach Linda from TC, it happened today! Very good to hear her cheerful voice and to share news both directions. She was at the airport waiting for whatever might come in, the ambient noise was fierce at first but she found an isolated spot. Since all calls are cutoff at some unknown length of time...we talked fast and we did get cut off after a generous 5 minutes.

The most interesting and heartening news, was that the tiny "Clinique Medicale Soaring de Pister", that CUMC and so many others have had a hand in, is serving the injured from Port au Prince. The mayor of Pister made arrangements to bus in overflow patients from Cap-Haitien to the remote clinic...CAP is FULL but managing the influx. Our first day at the clinic in '08 found us listening/observing the animated mayor giving a speech on the porch to the workers, Dorothy and the four of us. He promised to grade the road to the clinic..."next week", he was making a promise that even Dorothy thought would never be kept...two months after we left, the road was graded...3' deep trenches were filled in. "It looked like a four-lane highway," said Dorothy who had to admit she had misread the mayor's intentions. Good things happen when you trust in the Lord. The mayor is proud of the clinic and the staff!

I told Linda to expect the 500 feet of romex wire and the solar panels on the Thursday plane from MFI and our reservations were confirmed for Sunday for the six of us on the plane to Haiti. You may recall that Linda and several MN team members were delayed. Linda will obtain 3 batteries, even better quality than we expected, and the steel pole. To keep the pole secure, which will stand 16' tall, in strong winds we decided to attach guy wires/cables to it. Sounds like a small thing but it's not cheap. Jason, the manager (owner?) at Maxbauer Ace Hardware on Front St took a real interest in our project and made sure we had the best of everything. Best of all he ran the $117 tab through his account and Soaring Unlimited's Solar Project paid $17. Praise the Lord...people care and this is just one example, support is everywhere it seems.

There's plenty of food and fruit in CAP, the new well is working, there is more electricity in CAP than Linda has ever experienced but there is no Benadryl (I think we can handle that)and while banks aren't taking checks the normal money changers seem to have ample funds for conversion. Haitian dollars are ONLY used in Haiti.

Three of the MN men may stay over for a few days when we arrive, "It's going to be a little crowded but I think you'll find the men pretty interesting," according to Linda. OK! For some reason there doesn't seem to be very many tools lying around the house...hopefully they have been secured at Edrick's home as we'll need a variety of things that we're not taking...expecting them to be there.

Because there is so much cargo for even the passenger planes...when visitors check in with their luggage they are "sized-up", literally, to see how much they themselves weigh as well as their baggage. For this reason some luggage and cargo is "bumped" to the next flight or the next. We are counting heavily on our checked baggage to make it with us as we are each carrying important components for the jobs at hand...something else to pray about.

Speaking personally and for other team members who have shared with me...the sincere best wishes expressed by friends, families and strangers (see above), proves that the Holy Spirit is alive and working in and around us.

1 comment:

Tina said...

This warms my heart!