Thursday, January 14, 2010

Minnesota VIM team arrived Cap-Haitien

Three men from the Minnesota team that were bumped off their flight yesterday did arrive in CAP today. Linda P leaves tomorrow and is scheduled to fly in on Saturday...God willing.

Last-minute paperwork for both teams was transferred to me today with the knowledge that there may not be future cell phone contact since Hanania Orelus' phone call to Dorothy this morning was cut off and no further contact made. Cap-Haitien has had cell coverage up to now but as of 9pm tonight there has been no further contact.

Dorothy did receive good news today from her doctor...she can return to Haiti whenever she chooses...her leg has met his requirement of extending to a certain number of degrees without pain. This was good news for all concerned as she was expecting to be cleared no earlier than Jan. 29th and it takes a couple weeks, ordinarily, to arrange tickets with Missionary Flights International.

Hanania indicated, before the cutoff, that over 700#s of cargo is ready to be picked up in CAP...fuel is beginning to become scarce so a large load is better than several small loads. You can see from this small example how every move needs to be thought out to conserve energy and other resources.

Dorothy mentioned tonight that much of the food we'll be eating is grown nearby and most meals are made from scratch...a good example is her pancakes are made from flour etc...not pancake mix. Eggs and chicken come from the Dominican Republic to the east...fuel, however, comes from the south where CNN has announced they are out of jet fuel already. Oddly there has been no word of any quake issues in the Dominican area...this is a blessing though.

Linda leaves tomorrow, please keep her in your prayers, she has been there five times and each trip has presented new opportunities to..."Do all the good you can, as often as you can".


Wendy Nienhouse said...

Thanks for posting, Staton.
Wendy Nienhouse

Unknown said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date, Stanton. Folks are going to be very interested in following the team during this troubeling time in Haiti. All the best for a safe and helpful visit.